
More Grace, I am Mrs. Favour Johnson. Before now, my life has been in Turmoil, several Disappointment and Unstable Relationship.

My Fiancee in Germany Promised to come and take me to Join him Over there but the day he called me that he has started processing my Papers was the last time we communicated for a long time, he Suddenly Stopped Picking my calls and refused to call me Either. I was Opportune to be in the D.G.O.G.C. Prayer Mountain where the man Of God P.I.A Obaseki located me, Prayed for me and Delivered me as he was led By the Holy Spirit… the next day after the Deliverance, my Fiancee that Refused to Communicate with me for a Long time Called me, Apologized and also sent me a Colossal Amount Money for my Upkeep….Thank You Jesus

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