
More grace everyday!
We had been trusting God for another child. 8 years after given birth to our first child.

Indeed it was quite an unpleasant period of waiting.
Two years ago, I went for scan and the result showed I had Uterine fibroids. I took the result to church and met with the licensed Prophet of God, Senior Prophet P.I.A Obaseki with it.

He told me the medical report wasn’t the issue, that I should come with my husband to see him.

My husband and I eventually went to see him. The man of God prayed for us with the Water of life. After that visit, I had a dream where a member of this church handed over to me a baby girl and I woke up.

Few days later, I was in church and the prophet of God located me via prophecy, that God has blessed me with a baby girl.

I claimed same reluctantly, because I was tired.
Eventually, God blessed me and I became pregnant. The journey of my pregnancy was another thug of war. I was always spotting(bleeding).

A prophecy came again to that effect concerning the issue. The man of God prayed for me and told me God would preserve my life and that of my unborn child.
When the pregnancy was 8 months old, the bleeding intensified, hence I went to the hospital. Eventually, I was delivered of a bouncing baby girl to the glory of God. The doctor however discovered that my placenta was detached from the baby. She was taken to another hospital( Children’s hospital) for proper medical attention and care.

Eventually my baby was discharged. We are here today, to return all the glory to God for blessing us with this bundle of Joy. Thank you Jesus!

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