
I was opportune to be in one of the Solution Night services where the man of God prophet P.I.A Obaseki asked us to get the similitude VICTORY OVER WITCHCRAFT ATTACK which we were instructed to spray in our compound and also to use it to bath which I did.

On Tuesday as I was about to travel I had to call my friend to come along with me to Onitsha because of fear and she agreed, on the way we had an accident but no life was lost.

Later on my friend left for Benin without me then I went to the park to enter my own bus only for my friend to call me that her bus had a serious accident on hearing that I consoled her and prayed on my way back to Benin, when we got close to the park our vehicle started smoking but to God be the glory we got to the park successfully without any problems.

On Saturday, during the victory time service online the man of God prophet P.I.A Obaseki made a word of prophecy concerning my case saying Queen Faith there shall not be death in your family. Thank you Jesus.

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