
More grace everybody.My Name is Mrs Aiwuyo Mabel and i am a more grace TV partner.On the 16th of April 2019, after i finished cooking as i am a food vendor, i suddenly felt a hot burning sensation run through my legs, it was so severe that i had to draw my son’s attention to my predicament,he told me to retire for the day,that he would attend to our customers, that i was probably feeling that way because i had been standing for long.The hotness intensified and i quickly rushed to the bathroom to shower thinking it would reduce the hot sensation i was experiencing, yet it grew from bad to worse.While i was inside my room, the thoughts of how my late husband died of stroke started running through my mind and the fear of ending like my husband overwhelmed me.I practically became crippled and started crawling like a child.I couldn’t use the restroom anymore, as i defecated and bathed in my room, life became meaningless as i became a burden to those around me.

I made up my mind to call one of the associate pastors, Pastor Makue and i intimated him about my predicament, he encouraged me to come to church that partners meeting was slated to hold that Saturday,i laughed and told him i can’t walk anymore, he insisted i should try and come.I told my children to take me to church and they vehemently kicked against the idea, that the best they could do for me was to chatter a cab that would bring me to church, and they left me to my faith.When i got to church, some of the workers i met outside the premises assisted me in and the man of God, Senior. Pst. P.I.A Obaseki prayed for me with the crucifix and pool of Bethesda water and i received my healing instantly,and went back home with my two legs, thank you Jesus

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