
I am a police man by profession, one day i was coming back from work, as i came down from the bus, i saw people gathered in a place, suddenly, a man ran out of the crowd towards me and held me, he said that i was among the robbers that just finished robbing there, before i could explain myself i was taking to the police station, within he twinkling of an eye, I the case was transferred from Benin to Enugu, from Enugu to Lagos, from Lagos to Abuja and from Abuja i was brought back to Benin and was remanded in Oko prison and i spent nine (9) years in prison. 

One faithful day in 2011 i received the anointing water from my sister who attends this ministry Divine Grace of Glory Church, and i prayed with anointing water and went to court and my case was adjourned to may 25 2012 which was the judgement day. On that day i prayed and i applied the anointing water and when i got to the court, my case file was read from the beginning and before it got to the middle the judge stopped the reader and said to me that i am discharge and acquitted. Thank you Jesus Christ Mr. Asuelimere

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