Admission By Grace


More Grace! For the past five years I have been seeking admission into a higher institution, I have written exams in the University of Benin twice, Ambrose Ali University, Delta State University and I have gone Auchi polythenic for screening but all effort were futile, despite I passed their exams and screening I was given admission . This year I applied for University of Benin, on the 5th of July I had a terrible dream concerning my exam when I woke up I called the man of God Pastor P.I.A Obaseki and he prayed with me and told me that I will succeed. On the day of the exam I tied the prophetic mantle on my head and I fixed the anointed sticker tag on my shirt,  when I got there, few hours to the exam,

I was told that was a change of center and the document requested to access the new center were not with me, I was confused, searching for someone to help me. I had prayed before in faith with the anointed calendar, As I was running I saw a man from afar look at me and the prophetic mantle on my head, when I got to him after greeting him, he asked where am I running to when my exams is about to start and I explained everything to him and he brought a big note from his car and searched for my name and center and gave me my new center that was how God helped me and I wrote the exam, I am here to thank God that after five years of struggles, I was giving admission. Thank you Jesus Christ for making what seems impossible possible. Shola Asemota

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