
More Grace.i am Ndifreke Essien. It all started 2 weeks ago when I was doing my normal house chores one day, I decided to raise my bed up and sweep it but behold, what I saw was a heap of sand.

I quickly called the attention of the neighborhood because the whole place was cemented and there was no way sand would have gathered there so from that day it was still a mystery to me even after they covered the place with cement.

From that day, I took it as an everyday routine upon myself to always sweep that place every day till one day when I raised the foam to sweep under it after praying to God to expose whatever that is in my room that is harmful to me and I also anointed the whole room with the DGOGC pool of Bethesda water. I saw something like the head of a reptile then I ran away and called the attention of the neighbors, they came and discovered it was a big snake and they killed it… thank you Jesus

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