
More Grace, I am Mr. Monday Ugdabmu, I am a More Grace TV partner and a commercial driver by profession. The man standing beside me is my elder brother. Before now I have been experiencing disappointment at the edge of breakthrough, I have been to several churches and different places in search for solution but all to no avail. My boss (Mr. Michael) introduced me to D.G.O.G.C. and guided me on how to get connected to the grace of God working here by signing up as a More Grace TV Partner and faithfulness in Tithing…

I was opportune to be in the DGOGC Sunday service where the man of God PIA Obaseki located me by prophecy and revealed to me that I was suffering disappointment at the edge of any breakthrough and I confirmed the prophecy to be true because I have faced so many disappointments. he went deeper and further exposed that the kind of dreams I normally have is the cause of it and I also confirmed it to be true because I was always seeing myself in my father’s house in the village in my dream and a demon would attack me using the face of my father. He prayed for me and delivered me through the name Jesus Christ and from that day my way opened, people that had long forgotten me began to call me. One of my boss in Warri called me last week friday and asked me what favour he could do for me, he offered to buy me a new Toyota Camry car but I refused and stressed that I needed what would bring me income and he brought me a Truck which I am using to work now…Thank you Jesus..

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