
More grace everybody. On Saturday last week when I returned from work, my wife was surprised that I returned early and I sat outside. Before bedtime, we did family devotion after which my children retired to their room for the day, while me and my wife went to our room.
I tried to get some sleep and could not. So I logged unto the church’s YouTube page and began to listen to Senior Prophet P.I.A Obaseki’s teachings. I stood up from the bed to check on my children in their room. Suddenly I turned back while still in my room and I saw a life snake. Before I could regain myself as a result of the shock, the snake disappeared. My wife and I searched for it for hours to no avail . I then called my father in the Lord , Senior Prophet P.I.A Obaseki who asked me to anoint myself and family with the Victory Anointing Oil from this Commission which I did.
The following day when I woke up, I picked up a bag which I wanted to give to my son from my room, my hand began to vibrate. I quickly threw the bag away, so I decided to open it to see what was inside. Surprisingly it was the snake I saw the previous night in my room that was inside. To God be the glory, I was able to kill the snake. Thank you Jesus for your hands of protection upon my life and that of my family.
I also want to thank God for delivering my husband last year from gun short after the man of God, Senior Prophet P.I.A Obaseki prophetically instructed us to pray against same.(Mrs. Peter Gooday). Thank you Jesus.

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