More grace everybody!
I am here to return all the glory to the God of this commission for what He has done in the lives of my children.
Sometime in February 2022, during one of the services at More Grace Prayer City, the man of God, Senior Prophet P.I.A Obaseki located me via prophecy thus: “I am seeing goodnews coming your way”. I claimed it by faith.
One month after that prophecy, one of my sons that is of age, who was never interested in getting married, came to me and told me he wanted to settled down. I was shocked.
As God would have it, my son got married sometime in March 2022.
Secondly, after my son in Nigeria did his wedding, my other son in Germany called me in May 2022, that he had married a lady over there legally. He directed me to go and pay his wife’s bride price on his behalf in Nigeria. In short, it was a wonderful celebration. Within a space of one year, 2 of my sons got married to the glory of God. This has been my great concern over time.
Months later after the marriage celebration, my daughter-in-law in Germany called me that her pregnancy was due. She told me she was scared and I counselled her not to worry. As a result of this issue, I went to the Grace Sanctuary Prayer Mountain to pray.
I was always praying for her work and safe delivery with the water of life, using her picture as a point of contact. As God would have it and take the glory, she called me on Friday last week, that she has put to birth a bouncing baby boy, thank you Jesus!