More Grace Everybody, My name is Mrs AIKOHIEREN PEGGY, the person standing beside me is my Son OKUONGHAE DENZEL MANDELA. I am here to give God all the glory of his divine grace and protection upon my son’s life.
It all started one day when my son began to complain of body pains. I took him to the hospital, several medical tests conducted showed he had malaria, after this he was treated. During his recovery process, he was now able to do some things and he was getting better.
Two days later, in the early hours of the morning my son called ne saying he couldn’t breathe well. I was surprised because at this point, he was running temperature and he could only communicate by using his hands.
I quickly took him to the hospital because the situation was getting serious when we got to the hospital the doctor saw him and was very surprised, because he was responding to treatment earlier.Few Minute’s Later, he was placed on an oxygen, when i inquired their reason for placing him on oxygen, i was told that he needed it at that point.
I became worried and decided to call the Prophet of God, Prophet P.I A Obaseki, he prayed with him and instructed me to sprinkle the Water of Life, i did as i was instructed after which he began to respond to treatment, i just want to say thank you Jesus for your grace and mercies upon my son’s life, it wasn’t an easy process but we thank God for everything. Thank You Jesus My son is Free.