
More Grace. I am Brother Saviour Archibong, the man standing beside me is Apostle Jude, the senior Pastor of Covenant Word Assembly and a spiritual son to PIA Obaseki. I was opportune to attend a programme in Covenant Word Assembly in the month of December 2018 where the man of God PIA Obaseki ministered and during the programme I was located through prophecy by PIA Obaseki. He revealed all that I was going through, how I cry in the secret and how my business was not moving well, I am a barber by profession. He prayed for me and brought solution through name Jesus as he was inspired by the Holy Spirit putting an end to the reproach. From that day after the encounter the Glory of my business was restored, my tears wiped away, I no longer borrow to eat…. Thank You Jesus



More grace. I am Apostle Jude Obehi, the man standing beside me is Apostle Paul Martins. We are sons of PIA Obaseki. Last night, I had a revelation where I saw two people trying to machete me but they couldn’t. one of them poured acid on me but as I shouted “Blood Of Jesus” the acid neutralized and I was feeling itches all over my body then a woman came and poured oil on me and the itches stopped. When I woke up I started feeling severe stomach pain, I was shouting and crying, vomiting and my legs were freezed. I was feeling like my spirit wants to leave me, I actually thought I was going to die then I said a word of prayer “lord into your hands I commit my spirit”.this my pastor friend standing beside me joined my wife and they were both praying for me but when they saw that I wasn’t getting any better they called the man of God PIA Obaseki and told them to bring me to the church. Immediately papa made that statement, the vomiting stopped, the freezing disappeared and I became normal….Thank you Jesus…

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