
More Grace. I am Mrs. Blessing Noah from Lagos Nigeria. My mother came from Benin to visit me in Lagos and she stayed with me for a whirl. Every morning, she would bring out her More Grace calendar shouting and praying in yoroba language “God Of PIA Obaseki heal me”.

One day I confronted her and ask her why she was always praying with the calendar and she said to me that I cannot understand until I encounter the God of PIA Obaseki in DGOGC. I started having severe pains in my stomach, I tried several ways to suppress the pains but all to no avail. I was opportune to attend one of the power packed service in DGOGC where I heard testimonies of what God was doing in the lives of people through the similitude and I also had the privilege to receive the anointing materials from DGOGC.

From that day I started praying with them, before I bath or drink water, I would put my wrist band then I would place the news letter on my stomach before going to bed…in less than 5 days, the stomach pain disappeared..and now I am completely healed…thank you Jesus

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