Plan A Visit to Divine Grace of Glory Church International

PLAN A VISIT to Divine Grace of Glory Church - More Grace City

If you would like to visit Divine Grace of Glory Church, please submit the questionnaire below. Please fill out the questionnaire in clear detail. This will enable us to deal with your request specifically and detailed. All further correspondence with the church regarding your visit will be done through email.

Kindly be informed to expect a confirmation of your visit, from us before making any travel arrangements.

Fill The Questionnaire Below

Kindly enter your Full Names
Enter your most preferred Email.
Kindly enter your State/ City/ County
Kindly enter your Relative's Name
Enter your relatives preferred Email.
Kindly state the nature of the problem you are having and all the symptoms. Clearly express your self in detail.
For how long have you been experiencing this problem?
List all the medications you are taking/ have taken due to this problem/ condition
How has the problem/ condition affected your daily living?
Have you ever been hospitalized? If so when?
*All HIV patients need to come with their most recent original printed HIV confirmatory report when their visit is confirmed by DGOGC. Please note that no screening report will be accepted, only a confirmatory report that clearly states that this patient is HIV I, II OR III positive, and it must be presented on the hospital's letterhead document & in addition, It must be a government recognized hospital in your country. You cannot come without the correct medical report.
Kindly state if you are you are using any form of brace?

How to locate DGOGC: The church has representatives that will pick you from the airport to the Ministry headquarters.

ACCOMODATION AND FOOD ARRANGEMENT: There are available and comfortable hostels for international visitors to stay within the church premises.

The accommodation ranges from dormitories to family rooms to private rooms – all with en-suite hot showers, toilets and air conditioning.

There is also three square meals serve daily. There are drinks, snacks and toiletries are also all available for purchase at the shop on the church premises.

Phone:+2348153952894, +2349011006047

Days of Activities at the International Headquarters

(More Grace Prayer City)

Idunmwungha Town, After Egba Junction, Off Benin Auchi Road, Uhunmwode LGA, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

Sunday Service: 7am – Celebration of Grace

Friday: 7am – Prophetic Change

Prayer Line: Every Sunday

(Please Call for Enquiry: +2349137856459, +2349157419928)

First Friday of the Month: Solution Service – 7am

Branch Church:

Divine Grace of Glory Church

No. 40, Ajayi Street, Off Obazee, Upper mission, New Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

Sunday Service: 6:30am – Celebration of Grace

Wednesday: 6:30am – Faith Clinic

+2349157419928, +2348055621609

Divine Grace of Glory Church (MORE GRACE PRAYER CITY)

INTERNATIONAL WORSHIP CENTER (MORE GRACE CITY): Idunmwungha Town, Divine Grace Quaters, Off Benin-Auchi Road, After Egba Junction, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

More Grace For Miracles!